I have by informed that the Chief Commander(MS NADIRA)said that the Squad(the class)need to bring thier EZLINK on 27/4(monday)for the updating of the card to the newest modle!!!!!!!Those who want to tranfer the balance in their old ezlink to the new one,pls be inform that you need to have aleast $5 balance in the old ones for the tranfer!~!~!~!~!~!~
A soilder(Jasper) reported that the Ezlink cards will be putting your primary 6 pictures!~~ !@!#!@#@$#@ (so the ugly!!)@#$%#@#!!
~~For those who haven hand in their MYE reply slp(curse them!!!)pls hand it in on monday too~~
Now for the things that many may forget!!?!~Literature'Project!!Pls remenber to do ur literature project by tusday(28/4)!!!
Are u asking me how to do!~!~!Simple!ur group(made up of 3 member)need to chose a stoy /peom n just act /recit it out la!!~!~
By the way, i remove the hotmail of the others ar MRCursakandine say...i forget ler...ouh it is- "Don't put personal information on the blog , especially the hotmail. Webmaster must protect privacy hor!"(which is right la)